Washington, DC Shifts to
Jim Crow Economy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Washington, DC Shifts Toward Jim Crow Economic Regime

March 18, 2021

Census-Tract Analysis Show Major Declines In Black Median Household Income info@southwestvoicedc.com | swvoicedc.com

One-third of neighborhoods in Washington, DC saw a decline in Black median household income. Based on US Census tract four-year averages between 2010-2014 and 2015-2019, 48 out of 143 Census tracts saw an overall decline in Black income. The average among these tracts was -$14,633. Across all tracts for which data on Black median income was available (143 out of 179), household income spanning eight years only increased by $6,884. A Census block that does not have data for either or both period is not included in analysis. These may include tracts with no African American households. Two outliers for tracts 11001000600 and 11001000802 were removed.

In contrast, white median household income only decreased in 15 of 136 (11%) of Census tracts. Overall, white median household income increased by $31,572 between 2010-2014 and 2015-2019. 143 of 179 tracts were included for analysis. Other tracts either had no data for one of the two periods or no data. No or few Whites in a tract would affect data availability. All data downloaded from Census/Policy Map.